Monday, April 30, 2012

DaizyStripper 「Brilliant Days」 (And I'm finally Back!!) ^_^

Before I go on to talk about a brilliant song by DaizyStripper I have a couple announcements/messages:

1) I have finally finished my first year of University and will be able to resume my blogging activities. YAY!

2) DaizyStripper is coming to Animethon in Edmonton, Alberta on August 10th - 12th! This will be their first time in Canada and I'm hoping to make it there. Is anyone else planning on going?

Now for the featured presentation:

DaizyStripper has some really, really, good songs. One song that shines above the rest in being unique would have to be "Brilliant Days" from their Single "Cross".

There is no PV for this song... but PV's just give us an image of what the band is using as an image right now. Sure it's nice to see, but it's the music that really counts. They are in the MUSIC genre! Therefore what should really count?
Their MUSIC!

Sure, when I started listening to Visual Kei I was always looking for PV's, but I started listening to songs without PV's and some of them were way better than the PV's that they were coupled with.

Anyways, getting back to Brilliant Days...
It is wonderfully unique in it's own way. I especially like how it is more on the slow side of their songs, but still has a catchy beat to it. Does anyone else get what I mean?
Here listen and see:

So yeah. Sadly, it seems that they are no longer selling the single with this song on it anymore.  D:
I myself am quite sad about this since I really wanted to purchase this song very much!
Maybe it is on i-Tunes or some other place.

Well either way, support DaizyStripper and hope to see you in Edmonton for their live concert! I sure am trying to go. ^_^


