The first song is more of a intro into their actual CD. But there really isn't much to it, to me anyways...
Oh right, only one of these songs has a PV to it (The Suicide Circus) besides those that were past songs with PVs to them.
The next song is called Venomous Spider's Web and is also quite intersting... but not really my type of song for some reason...
Well I have to say that Sludgy Cult was an okay song, I don't mind listening to this one more than once...
Hmmmmm well Red I've listened to more than once, since this is one of their past songs, so I LOVE it!!!!! The beats, the lyrics, everything about this song is just SO good!!!!
Now this next song is a new song... and it's one of my fave's from this album!!! If you really listen to this song and look at the lyrics it's quite interesting and meaningful when you get down to it. The techno parts in Ruki's voice also adds a touch of impact to the whole song.
Haha well Shiver is another past song from GazettE that really ROCKS!!!! It was used as one of the openings for Black Butler II. I also really really do like the lyrics and the whole music and lyrical beats of Shiver. It's a deff good song!
The 7th song on Toxic (My Devil on the Bed) is really confusing me in a way. It has a really, really, catchy beat and I do like the whole composition of the song... I just don't like what the lyrics are about. Like yeah, society is raging about sex right now so it would make sense that artists would compose songs incorporating it... but still!!! GazettE has many good songs that aren't as explicit about sex as this one is!!!
The next song is actually called Untitled. I found this neat. The song itself is a deff winner. There's no SFX added to it, the music is calming but has a good beat so it's not boring. Of course, Ruki's voice is superb in this song! Anything added would actually ruin the beauty and simplicity of this song. It's just really beautiful...
Pledge, is another song by GazettE that has already been released... it's also another one of my favorites! The lyrics are quite touching and the PV is pretty good. Like yeah, they don't show much of the band besides Ruki and the girl isn't the best actress... but the main point does get across. Therefore, it's a really good all around production in my books! :D
The 10th song on this album is Ruthless Deed. The song is really cool. The first couple seconds had me doubting, but I decided to keep listening to it... and I'm glad that I did. It has a new type of musical composition to it than what I'm used to hearing from GazettE. Unlike some of the other songs also on this album, I actually liked this new type of composition. It has a similar beat to My Devil on the Bed, but it doesn't have the same confusing feeling to it... :D
Hmmmmmm Psychopath ... isn't a song that I really like. There's just a little too much screaming for my taste. Everything else is okay... like the beats are good, but I can't get anything else from it. There isn't really any singing except for the middle, but that isn't enough for me to actually want to listen to this song more than once...
Vortex... now there's a song! Love the hard edged rock, the techno adds to the song, and I sincerely love it! I actually already have a post about this song because it's just that good!!!
Sigh... #13 Tomorrow Never Dies is a really cool song. It just sounds really cool and gives me a cool feeling. If that even makes sense... :D
I can deff listen to this song more than once. ;D
Omega on the other hand... not so much. But then it is a short song and more of a completion song for the album. Like it is okay... but not really my type.
Anyways... that's GazettE's latest album Toxic. Over all pretty good actually. I would buy this album once I get the money for it. It might not be my next CD to buy, but it's one of the next CDs on my GOT TO BUY list.
for The Suicide Circus
and it's making of (LE)
This one is the RE and is just the album of 14 songs
Well it is a really good album, I would buy it. And the one i'd buy is the one with the <--- DVD since my laptop seems to be able to play Region 2 DVD's!!!
So yeah....
アマンダ (パンダ)
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