Friday, January 6, 2012

DaizyStripper 「Under the Sun」

Okay, Okay... I know that I've already mentioned this song....
But it's just sooo dam good!!!
It's stuck in my head and the rapping that goes along with it just totally fits and adds to the awesomeness of it!
Honestly, DaizyStripper has a real winner with this one. :D
Yuugiri 「夕霧」has such amazing vocal talents, it's almost unbelievable! Everything that I have heard him sing he is really good at singing it! If I don't like a song... it's not because of his voice. The tempo might just not "click" with me or how his voice combines with the melody of the instruments might be off. But his voice can go any tempo. It's really, really, good to listen to.
I suppose in a way it's like those "eargasms" that people on youtube claim to have when listening to certain songs.
The only difference is that it's not an eargasm for me. But it's really, really, easy to listen to and I could listen to him sing for hours without getting bored of it!!!

Anyways... Here's the vid again so you can all listen to this spectacular "get inside ur head and never get out" song!!!!

Here's the link for the post where I first mentioned this wonderful song!!



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