Tuesday, February 21, 2012

UPDATE 摩天楼オペラ 「Justice」 / Matenrou Opera

King Record has uploaded the PV for Matenrou Opera's newest album Justice on their Youtube Channel!! It's actually quite simple, with good SFX. I like the video but the song itself is quite good. I have to say that the whole atmosphere created by both the song and PV is quite interesting but good. It sends a powerful message without even knowing the lyrics. Therefore, the lyrics would make it even more amazing... I must find them once they are available.

Anyways, here`s the PV so that you can judge it and the song for yourself!

So I already did start a report of their new album. (Click here) for more info on it.



アマンダ ^_^


  1. Replies
    1. Thank-you! ^_^ but the video comes from their recording company (kingrecords) I'm just sharing it so that more people will be able to see it. XD
