Monday, October 1, 2012

Gomenne Mina!!! --> Lc5 「Only You ~キミとのキヅナ~」 / 「Only You ~Kimi Tono Kidzuna~」

Gomenne Mina!!!!I have been soo busy all summer with work and now with school...
I will try my best to get better at this!    :D

Sooooooo I've got great news that is old, but lets me introduce a new(ish) band that has an ear for music, and yes it does help that the vocalist is from another band that I absolutely adored!

The great news! This old band is regrouping! So I'm not totally sure of the future of this band, but we will see....

Obviously the vocalist I am talking about is Miku. Antic Cafe is the band that has regrouped and Lc5 is the band that he went to after Antic Cafe went on haitsu.

I could go on with how wonderful Antic Cafe is... but I will wait until I finally do a long-time-coming review of one my favorite songs from them.

So now I shall talk about Lc5's single 「Only you ~キミとのキヅナ~」。
The title song is the fifth opening of Beelzebub, and is as energetic and rockish as Antic Cafe was doing before hand. Take a listen and see for yourself:

(I'm sorry, I could only find this one... the vocals are slightly off but it still gives an okay review of the song... :(

Anyways, on to the next song!
「アフロディテ」 / 「Afurodeite」 (Aphrodite) is more of a popish song, but has a really good melody to it and is a little somber. Overall a good listen that I can listen to on repeat for quite a while.
I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do:

So here I am listening to Lc5 a little too late if anyone asks me... and I come across the last song on this single they released back in February of this year. (FEBRUARY!!!! My gosh I waited waaaayyyy tooo long to start listening to them... ;_; -_-' oh welll....)

Black Monster.
Popish and dark. A big round of applause for Lc5, they were able to compile a song so badass while still being popish. Even the auto-tuned parts are cool, and I don't care much for auto-tuned voices... So this song is prob my fave from them... that is until I listen to more of them! ;D
But for now... LISTEN!!!!

One more song:
This song comes with it's own single (and I must say that it is quite an interesting single of it's own as well!) BUT the Type B Limited Edition of this single has the PV and Making of for this song, so I shall put it on here:

The video its self is quite dark, but the song is similar to Aphrodite and has some Black Monster in it as well. There isn't really much to the video, but the simpleness makes it so powerful and entertaining. Refrain is a badass song that has quite a wow factor going for it!

Lets hope that the next single Lc5 releases (If they ever do release any more singles) will have Only You as a PV! I'd love for that to happen. :)

So there you have it! The songs from Lc5's (Miku's new band) 4th single! I hope you had fun listening to all the songs and will support the band by BUYING their songs instead of downloading them... Or even just listening to them on Youtube until you can afford it.

*****Special offer all three Cd's are now on a 40% off SALE until October 30 23:59 (Japanese Standard Time) So go get them! I know I will be purchasing them and a few more Cd's that are on sale! ;D

[Limited Edition Type A w/ DVD] \1714 Regular ****SALE \1028!!!!
1. 「Only you ~キミとのキヅナ~」 (「Only You ~Kimi Tono Kidzuna~」)
2. 「アフロディテ」 (「Afurodeite」)
Lc5 Documentary #4

[Limited Edition Type B w/ DVD] \1714 Regular ****SALE \1028!!!!
1. 「Only you ~キミとのキヅナ~」 (「Only You ~Kimi Tono Kidzuna~」)
2. 「アフロディテ」 (「Afurodeite」)
Refrain PV and PV making of

[Regular Edition] \1200 Regular ****SALE \720!!!!!
1. 「Only you ~キミとのキヅナ~」 (「Only You ~Kimi Tono Kidzuna~」)
2. 「アフロディテ」 (「Afurodeite」)
3. 「Black Monster」

Only you - Kimi tono Kizuna - / Lc5
[Limited Edition Type A w/ DVD]
Only you - Kimi tono Kizuna - / Lc5
[Limited Edition Type B w/ DVD]

Only you - Kimi tono Kizuna - / Lc5
[Regular Edition]

So PLEASE Support Lc5 and AnCafe!!! They worked hard to produce this music, the least you can do is buy it...   :D




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